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Alice in her tree house

Thank you to everyone that made this happen !!!! Also thank you to everyone that still keep donating and sending lovely messages. You are all so kind and we are so grateful… I built the treehouse so now it’s time to be handing over the reigns to my sister Sara who is managing a new website that ISN’T about raising money as the treehouse has been built but it is all about ALICE… Please visit www.alicestreehouse.com for more Alice loveliness…. thank you so much love Kathryn xxxx

We are so excited to announce the OPENING OF ‘ALICE’S TREEHOUSE’ Thank you SOOOOO much to every single person who donated and help make this happen, we are so grateful and thrilled that we will have an amazing place to celebrate Alice. So hopefully see you all there on 30th January at 2 pm at Black Park Black Park Rd, Buckinghamshire SL3 6DS to cut the ribbon, find the fairy doors and have a quick cup of tea….. ‘Alice’s TreeHouse’ is next to Go Ape and can be found right next to the car park…. See you there xxxxxxx

Hello…If you‚Äôre reading this I‚Äôm sure you are wondering what this charity is all about, it‚Äôs taken me nearly 3 years to tell this story, so whilst taking a deep breath, here I go…..

Alice Adams, my beautiful 20 year old niece & friend was the sweetest soul I have ever known. She treated everyone she met with extreme kindness & love, she never judged or worried what people thought by trying to be cool just to fit in, she wore every colour of the rainbow, dyed her hair every week with blue or pink or red or whatever colour she could find, she gave blood every month, was best friend to all, would cuddle strangers & simply put was an earth angel who touched the lives of all she met, She had a brilliant sense of humour, was an amazing singer/song writer, musician & extraordinary artist, oh & she just so happened to be beautiful as well.

Warning this is the really sad bit….

On the 10th August 2011 I got a phone call, It was 5.45pm & I was sitting in my dressing room in London just about to present/host a show when I got a call from my older sister Sara, Alice’s mum, a call that changed everything. All she said was this “It’s Alice, she’s been murdered” Horror, shock, disbelief & tears were followed by me immediately jumping in my car, as the rest of my family jumped in theirs & we all headed to my sister Sara’s house & set up camp for the next week. We cried, we reminisced, we sat in Alice’s room, we looked at her pictures & we’d talk & talk & talk. We did whatever we had to do to get through those days, including trying to find someway to give comfort to Caroline, her then 19 year old sister & her other sister Daisy who at the time was only 8.

I then had to pick up the phone & start telling all our friends & family before it was all over the news as well as cancel my wedding which was only 2 weeks away. Heartbreaking shattering devastation doesn‚Äôt quite express the pain we all felt from the second we found out & I could talk for hours about what happened, her lovely friend that got murdered at the same time as her, her funeral, our emotions, the trial at the Old Bailey, the papers, the police etc, etc ……….but for now I won‚Äôt go into any more details as I don‚Äôt see the point in focussing on the sad, If you feel you‚Äôd like to know more about it you can search Alice‚Äôs name online, but I can‚Äôt talk about the bad, I just need to create something good & so that‚Äôs where my energy is going.

So here comes the really positive bit….

We decided as a family to create The Alice Adams Foundation.  Alice was always building tree houses & loved the outdoors so we are going to raise money to build a wonderful tree house surrounded by a fun, magical, inspirational park designed especially for teenagers & young adults because there just aren’t enough positive places for people of this age to go & have fun & keep out of trouble but now, thanks to Alice, there’s going to be. We have already secured the location in Black Park, Buckinghamshire in the U.K, which is right next door to Pinewood Studios How ..citing !!

The plans have been drawn, the Tree House has been visualised & now all we need is the money to build it…. So please give whatever you can, even if it‚Äôs just the price of a cup of tea or a donation of something to go into the park, I/we would be so grateful, however big or small everything will be received with love. So will you please hold my hand & join me in this new adventure & lets build this park together, I might even grant you a fairy wish ***…***…

So here we go, tweet me your messages, join me in this happy movement & let‚Äôs all live like Alice did. ¬†Dress like a fairy, share all that you have, laugh till you fall over & be kind to everyone you meet. ¬†This is something that Alice did every day & something I know this park will do for everyone who visits. ¬†It will be a magical, mystical, spiritual, happy & safe haven for all to enjoy & we can make this happen if you’d be kind enough to join.

This website & video blog will be full of happy thoughts & positive messages & fun as well as progress reports & fund raising ideas. ¬†I hope you will enjoy it, so please sign up & I will send you happiness to your inbox whenever I can. I really hope this little Alice movement will help you understand Alice & the person she was, as well as inspire some positive ripples all over the world. ¬†So you wanna to be part of this movement?? You do……… yipppeeeeee, thank you so much.

Now just head to the donation page & or email us an idea how to raise money or tweet us some love or just do one thing nice for someone, because if you can‚Äôt spare any money then share some happiness and love. Thank you & let‚Äôs begin…. Love Kitty Kat xxxx

I hope our strength as a family will give anyone reading this the inspiration that whatever challenge life throws at you, you can still find light even when you feel like the whole world is dark, if we can you can, I pinky promise.